Friendly urban space
Tallinn is a human scale city close to nature and accessible to everyone and has a compact city centre and diverse district centres. There are many city squares, parks, cafés, small shops and other places that have been designed to be comfortable for people. Viable green and water areas enrich the quality urban space. The open seaside offers various opportunities for activities. The urban space, transport and buildings are all easily accessible to everyone. Being outside alone is safe for everyone, including children and the elderly. People walk and use various micromobility vehicles and everyone's safety is guaranteed. Public transport increases the possibilities for using the urban space. Tallinn is a capital city with one of the cleanest air and lowest noise levels in the world. The Tallinn region is viewed as a whole and the borders between the city and the neighbouring municipalities do not disrupt this comprehensive space.
Spatially cohesive urban region
The Tallinn region forms an integrated urban region, an area for business and everyday activities whose backbone is a network of centres. There are unique and multi-purpose residential areas in and around the centres. Central Tallinn is the most active centre in the region and is also the easiest to access by public transport. The settlement areas surrounding Tallinn have become intertwined with the city and the spatial transitions are smooth and smart. The street network, the cycle lane network and the green areas connect all regions. Denser development areas emerge by regional centres and public transport hubs near Tallinn and the railway transport opportunities are also used in these areas.
Inviting heart of the city

The centre of Tallinn is a city centre with an accessible street space, high-level architecture and diverse possibilities. It is an attractive place for leisure, work and living. The street space is designed so that it is good to be outdoors in all kinds of weather: there are trees, shelters, places for sitting or having chats while standing. The well-designed street network and the low speed of vehicles invite people to choose between several routes for their daily journeys and offer the joy of discovery, giving people the chance to walk in parks and visit courtyards, squares and the seaside. The façades of new buildings are varied. Street cafés, small shops and service establishments are located on the ground floors of buildings. Every subdistrict in the city centre is unique. It is easy to reach the centre by public transport, by walking or cycling, which decreases the need for car use in the city centre.
15-minute city
Tallinn is a city with many centres where everyday activities and services are within a 15-minute walk for most citizens. Tallinn has larger and smaller centres that have become important places for everyday communication – they are characterised by a high-quality public space and a multitude of activity opportunities and people. There are three types of centres: citywide, district and subdistrict. All of these unique centres are hubs of public space, which are special and attractive places. They have a human scale design, are easily accessible by various forms of mobility and function in harmony with the city centre. Places of residence, workplaces and services are concentrated in larger centres. These are also gateways to the fast public transportation network. One centre may represent several types: it may attract people from all over the world, it may be the heart of the city district and it may be a meeting place within the community. More centres emerge as the city develops. When shopping centres are developed, it is kept in mind that they are areas of good public space which connect the paths people use for walking instead of dividing them.
The share of people residing in the catchment areas of centres will increase
Shared streets
A city street is not only a means of mobility, but also a pleasant environment full of diverse possibilities. A well-designed space reduces speeding and other inconsiderate actions. Tallinn streets are designed by their place value, which takes into consideration the nature of the street space, its importance to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport and the safe organisation of road traffic. It is possible to find pleasant places for stopping, spending time and even working in the public urban space. There are many roads and streets in the city that can be used for several forms of mobility, which offer a change in everyday routes and allow people to discover new places and meet people in the city. Convenient, fast and frequent public transport has been organised on the most important arterial roads. The more local a street is, the calmer its design. Different requirements apply to pedestrian and bicycle traffic, public transport capacity and road maintenance on different types of streets. The pavements important to pedestrians and the core network of cycle lanes are maintained as a priority.
Green urban space everywhere
Greenery can be seen everywhere in the urban space – Tallinn is known for its beautiful avenues, green corridors, parks and urban forests. The people of Tallinn live, study and work within a 4-5-minute walk from the nearest streamlined green and landscaped area. There is greenery in the streets, yards and squares and on buildings: taller and shorter vegetation, container gardens and green walls are used. Greenery is also used in car parks, and pavements with good water permeability are preferred. Industrial wastelands and wild shrublands are in intermediate use, which creates an exciting contrast in the streamlined urban space. People experiment with various ideas, such as combining biology, space and digital solutions. There are multifunctional landscapes in the city, where food production, biodiversity and other natural benefits are combined.
The majority of journeys made by 70% of residents will be green
2020: 62%
A city open to the sea

The sea is well perceivable in the city and the diverse coastal areas and small harbours are popular places for recreational activities among the citizens and the city's guests alike. The seaside is open and unobstructed and can be accessed via many streets and paths. Tallinn is a well-known port city with a network of harbours with different functions. The coast of Tallinn Bay is an exciting experience consisting of interesting urban spaces and eye-catching architecture, the harbours, natural beaches and parks and natural areas of minimal human interference. The promenade connecting the beaches and subdistricts is accessible and uninterrupted; attracting attention with its varied design, it also offers citizens many activities. All of this can be seen by going on a sailing trip on Tallinn Bay. Maritime culture, including the culture of seafaring, is part of Tallinn.