Home that includes the street
Home offers protection and security. Home is more than four walls; home starts from the streets or even the subdistrict where people live. Citizens of all ages have reason to spend time outdoors. There is a home suitable for everyone in Tallinn – the choice of dwellings is diverse and accessible. Enough homes have been adapted for people with special needs, which also enables everyone participation in social life thanks to the accessibility of the urban space. Families enjoy living in Tallinn and children can do many things independently. Homes are mainly planned near centres – with public transport, nursery schools, schools and service facilities. There are green areas and exciting public spaces near all homes. Energy cooperatives work well and turn energy consumers into informed producers. The city sets an example and acts responsibly when building homes, aiming for a complete living environment. There are residential spaces offered by the city in all districts.
Multi-purpose residential areas

The city plays an active role in shaping the living environment. Tallinn plans the urban space comprehensively, cooperates with private owners and steers investments to the areas of urban space where it wants to foster development – the larger and smaller centres of Tallinn. New residential premises are preferably built near centres, where a quality public space, the necessary public transport connections, cycle lanes, nurseries, schools, hobby schools and other services are close to home. The city and private developers join forces to plan centres that provide services for areas where they don't yet exist, but residential areas are not developed without complete centres.
Unique subdistricts and yards

Each subdistrict of Tallinn has its own face, they are good places to live. Traffic on the streets within subdistricts is calm but life on the streets is exciting – people can play, walk or sit on a bench to rest their feet. The planned housing is preferably in buildings with up to four storeys, and the specific features of the city centre or garden cities are taken into consideration. Small businesses and cafés operate in residential areas. Subdistricts are enriched by unique yards, which are often public or semi-public spaces. Yards in Õismäe, Lasnamäe and Mustamäe have been given a new look and turned into leisure areas with many possibilities. Cars are mostly not parked in front of apartment buildings, but underground or in parking garages. There are active subdistrict groups in the city that participate in shaping the living environment and organise joint activities. Routes between subdistricts are convenient and offer an experience.
Planned housing will be preferably located in up to four-storey buildings
Homes that meet people's needs
The population of Tallinn is growing and new homes are being built. The selection of housing is diverse, allowing every household to find a suitable and affordable home. There are residential spaces of all sizes in all subdistricts, which make it possible to flexibly change homes if living arrangements change. Families enjoy living in Tallinn and children can do many things independently. There are enough homes for people with special needs and elderly people. This means that access to residential buildings is good, the buildings have lifts and the indoor premises are adjusted according to needs. Homes provided by the city at affordable prices are located in various regions of the city.
The diversity of housing will allow various households to find suitable and affordable homes
Energy-efficient and comfortable homes

Homes in Tallinn have been designed and reconstructed in consideration of energy efficiency and independence. New heat technology and environmentally friendly energy carriers have been taken into use. The uniqueness of each area has been preserved upon the renovation and construction of homes. Cooperative activities make it possible to introduce local energy generation and thereby achieve cleaner energy and higher energy security. Combined energy sources and energy-saving solutions are used, new houses are built as near-zero energy buildings and the indoor climate of homes is good. New wooden architecture has become customary in Tallinn because of the objective of carbon neutrality. There are convenient storage facilities for bikes, pushchairs and prams and micromobility vehicles, preferably at street level, near the residential buildings.
The energy efficiency of buildings is increasing